Holidays in USA

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

This is a family holiday. Families come together from near and far. In some places special religious services are held in the morning. Then comes the traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with sweet potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day.

Football is the most popular game on this day. For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Usually there are several football games to watch on TV.

Stores, classrooms and homes are decorated with toy turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried and artificial flowers and vegetables. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people.


This holiday is celebrated on October 31. Its roots date back hundreds of years to the Druid holiday when the Lord of Dead gathered up the souls of all those who had died during the year to present them to Heavens on October 31, because of November 1 reign of Prince of Darkness.

According to belief all kinds of witches, goblins and ghosts wandered abroad on this night. On that day Druids lit huge bonfires to honor the sun god and to keep away evil spirits. Later this evening was turned into festival of fancy-dress parties for young people. They wear ghost and goblin costumes, masks, witches' hats. Lanterns made of hollow turnips or pumpkins that look like skulls, with a candle in each of them, are hung in the dark. White sheets are widely used to look like ghosts to scare each other. All this is accompanied by story telling – "ghost tales" – and marry-making. Boys and girls go along the streets playing tricks. With the threat of "Treat or Trick!" they knock at the doors of their neighbors asking for a candy.

Another popular activity is telling ghost stories, while eating hot chestnuts roasted in the fire. It's a good idea to tell a chain-story. One person starts a story (he makes it up as he goes along). At a dramatic moment he stops and another person goes on. Again, when everything is getting very exciting, the story-teller stops and another person continues. You could be sitting around the fire all night!

St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day is the holiday of all the sweethearts.

It's celebrated on February, 14th on the date of an old pagan festival when each young man drew from an urn a decorate love missive with the name of the girl who would be his sweetheart for the coming year.

In the 7th century festival began to be called St. Valentine's day in honor of a Christian martyr, Valentine by name. He was a bishop, who, before he was put to death by the Romans, sent a note of affection to his jailer's blind daughter.

Now it's the day when people in love express their feelings for each other. And the quick and modern way to it is with a Valentine card. You can make a card yourself or bay a ready-made one. You can out your name or send it unsigned.

A card can be either sentimental with love poetry or even secret code like ITALY- I trust and love you, or satirical, like "Here's the key to my heart…Use it before I change the lock!" More than 19 million Valentine's cards are sent on every February, 14 in the United States.

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The world is full of flowers. Visit any place dedicated to flowers and you will be amazed at the types of flowers, and facts about them. Flowers come in all shapes, and colors. Some of them can intoxicate you with their lovely perfume. Some are so delicate that one fears touching them. And all of them are stunningly beautiful. still, it is the Rose which is preferred around the world as a flower of choice on the Valentine's day? I wonder about this. And though I have not tried to search for the reasons, here is my own theory on why it is so. One another fact struck me. We can get Roses in many colors but still it the dark red that is preferred as the flower of love. Why?

Let us first think about the color choice. I think that dark red must be the preferred color as it looks like red. And every true lover is ready to shed his/her blood for the beloved. Also love is associated with the heart, and heart pumps blood. So red signifies love. Colors have their own significance, looking at any white color, the first thought is of purity. Same way red means love.

Now let us examine our central theme. Why Rose? A Rose has thorns. But the thorns are below the Rose. The Rose represents life beautifully. It has very soft petals, that tell us about the soft side of living and thorns to convey that life is not all the bed of Roses without thorns. What does a lover do? A true lover will always take the thorns and give only the soft flowers to his/her darling. That is love and love demands that one give only comfort to one's darling. Love demands sacrifice. Love demands giving of joy. Love demands that all pain be kept away from the beloved. That is also the message a lover sends across to his/her beloved with a Rose. I have kept the thorns with myself and I am sending you these soft flowers . I think this is the reason why on Valentine's day, the red Rose is the flower of choice.

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Valentine's Day for Dummies

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 PM | 0 comments »

Saint Valentine's Day rolls around just once a year. And if you've been married as long as I have, your chances for sex don't come much more often. 'There's always next year' is a fine mantra for a Cubs fan or a Libertarian, but not for a lover. So don't miss your amorous opportunity this time around -- heed the following Valentine's Day advice.

Nobody wants to hear the story of Saint Valentine

Simply put, any story that ends with a beheading is not going to get you laid. If you must tell a 'topical' story, try something from 'Penthouse Letters', instead. Much hotter, and the tales there almost never end in decapitations.

Let your partner tell you when it's time to see your underwear

Guys, I know she tells you she likes surprises. I know she wants you to be spontaneous. But greeting her at the door -- or, god forbid, at her office -- wearing nothing but a trenchcoat and a pair of edible undies is not helping anyone. Besides the fact that you look ridiculous, mid-February is still quite cold in many parts of the world. For your own sake, think of the 'shrinkage'.

Ladies... ignore this point altogether. We always want to see your underwear. Or, preferably, your lack thereof. You little vixens, you.

Don't eat the candy hearts

First of all, they taste like styrofoam ass. Chalky styrofoam ass. Who wants to eat chalky styrofoam ass? Nobody, that's who.

Also, remember that a candy approximately as dry as the Sahara will rob you of all the saliva you've managed to produce that week. And your kissy-faced schnookums isn't going to appreciate sucking on your parched, wrinkly tongue. It's not 'Saint French-The-Elderly Day', after all. I think that one's in September.

Finally, realize that the average number of candy hearts a person can eat without ralphing them back up is somewhere in the neighborhood of two. And while the irony of seeing a regurgitated 'I M N2 U!' in the toilet bowl is 'delicious', it is by no means 'romantic'.

Leave the poetry to the professional poets

I tell you this from personal experience. A few years ago, I decided that the best way to express my love was to write my wife a poem, raw and sexy and straight from the heart. Here are the words that ended the odd-numbered lines of said poem:




'schmenitalia' (the point where I realized I was in over my head)


'labradoodle' (don't ask)



She made me sleep on the couch for a week. Don't go there. Just don't.

Don't give your sweetie an uber-religious greeting card

Yes, she'll be happy you remembered. Yes, it's the thought that counts. And yes, the picture on the front with a single ray of light shining through the stormclouds is certainly inspirational.

But nothing screams 'why don't we just cuddle tonight?' quite like a card containing the line:

'Blessed be our marital bed, shared in love with the bosom of Jesus.'

I'm all for a 'Valentine's threesome' -- particularly one involving bosoms -- but that's just a little too kinky. Steer clear.

If you don't buy your lover chocolate, don't explain why

It's perfectly acceptable to say:

'I bought you these [flowers / massage oils / sexy underpants / strippers] because you're beautiful and I love you.'

It's not acceptable to say:

'I didn't get you any chocolate, because I know you're dieting and I support your goal of being thinner.'

And it's definitely not a good idea to say:

'Besides, you want a gift that'll last for more than three minutes, and you won't cry about later, right?'

Again, personal experience. And another week sleeping on the couch.

Learn from my mistakes, budding Romeos and Juliets. Follow these tips, and you should be randily romancing your lover in no time. Ignore my advice, and... well, 'there's always next year'.

Charlie Hatton is an overzealous blogger and aspiring standup comedian offering smart, sophisticated humor about life, language, and the size of his naughty bits. He writes semi-daily and mostly randomly at Where the Hell Was I?

The Mood Of Valentine's Day

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Mood. It is something very complicated. One moment, we are in a mood to go out and meet some friends, and the next moment our mood changes. Mood is a state of mind and as most of us have no control over our minds, our mood changes from sad to happy or vice versa.

Valentine's day is coming. One cannot forget to be in the right mood for that day. Isn't it? How to do that? How to make sure that on that day, our mood does not become sad or some bad memories don't overpower us on that day? And that we are in a mood to appreciate our beloved and make him/her feel special.

What makes or decides the mood? First is the atmosphere. When you walk in a cancer ward of a hospital, your mood immediately becomes sad and you begin thinking of pains of life. And if after an hour, you find yourself in a party to celebrate your friend's birthday, with joy all around, your mood takes an about turn and you join the fun. So atmosphere decides mood.

The next to affect our mood are thoughts. If you read and think more about philosophy of living and the why and how of life, your mood automatically becomes serious. One needs a balance in life to keep a sane head all the time. Otherwise, either you will be always cheerful about everything and take nothing seriously or you will remain sad for most of the time. Bring a balance in your life, in your mind.

Coming to Valentine's Day, one has to get into the mood of romance. How to do that? Here are some tips. Read more romantic stories/novels or thoughts. Go window shopping near places that stock Valentine's gifts. Download few Valentine's day wallpapers or screensavers. Talk to your friends about how love changes life. Avoid any serious topic for few days. Choose clothes that energize you. Go for colors rather than whites. Shop for a lovely gift for your sweetheart. Buy some flowers. Small things will add to your mood and by the time the Valentine's Day arrives, you will be in a romantic mood.

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Red roses and chocolate are the quintessential presents for loved ones on Valentine's Day, but the conventional production of these gifts is anything but sweet for the environment and for the workers who produce them.

This Valentine's Day, you can treat your loved one and honor the environment at the same time by purchasing organic flowers and chocolates.

"The organic versions of these treats are some of the highest quality available," said Katherine DiMatteo, executive director for the Organic Trade Association. "According to many, organic flowers are more fragrant and last longer than their conventional counterparts and the organic chocolates being produced today are some of the finest tasting in the world."

To achieve a flawless appearance, conventional flowers are grown in massive greenhouses that utilize large quantities of pesticides. Organic flowers, however, are grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. This makes it better for the surrounding environment and farm workers as well as the end recipient who can thoroughly enjoy the wonderful scents of an organic bouquet.

The production of conventional cocoa is second only to cotton production in pesticide use, according to the Pesticide Action Network. Conversely, organic cocoa is cultivated on plots under a shade canopy that preserve critical elements of the native tropical forests. Biologists have determined that this environmentally sound method of farming helps to maintain biodiversity and protect the winter habitat of millions of migratory songbirds.

Organic chocolates are created with the finest of care to ensure optimum quality and a rich, indulgent taste. Organic ingredients must be certified, and no ingredients can be genetically modified.

You can find organic chocolates and flowers at many natural products retailers. For further information, visit the Organic Trade Association's Web site at - NU

When you cook for Valentine's Day, love radiates from your heart, pours into the food and gives it the magical quality that ignites the soul. When you serve your Valentine an elegant meal do it with some beautiful candles, good champagne or wine if you like, and a loving and warm smile. Remember the real aphrodisiac is you!

Cream of Courgette soup with tarragon


1 chicken bouillon (stock) cube

2 sprigs of tarragon washed and drained

1 large tablespoon creme fraiche

500 g small courgettes (zucchini) firm and a shiny green

1/2 teaspoon of crushed peppercorns

salt to taste

Wash trim and slice the zuchinnis/courgettes. Fill a saucepan with 1 1/2 cups of water, add the bouillon/stock cube and bring to the boil. Add the sliced courgettes/zuchinnis. Cook for 15 minutes. Transfer to a blender, add the creme fraiche, peppercorns, and salt, and then blend. Pour into soup bowls and add the sprigs of tarragon as a garnish.

Tagliatelle with pancetta and sage


2 tablespoons butter

200 grams fresh tagliatelle pasta

1/2 bunch fresh sage washed and drained

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 slices pancetta ham

2 tablespoons ricotta cheese

60 grams of grated parmesan cheese

Saute the slices of pancetta and drain on paper towel. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a pan and add the sage leaves and saute for 1 minute. Drain. Cook the pasta according to the directions with 1 tablespoon of oil added to the water to keep the strands of pasta separate during cooking. Drain the pasta and add the butter and ricotta. Stir together. Heap the pasta on two plates and top each pile with the pancetta, sage leaves, grated Parmesan, salt and pepper. Serve immediately.

Chocolate Heart with Raspberries


150 grams fresh raspberries

100 grams bitter chocolate

1 teaspoon raspberry liqueur

3 eggs

100 grams unsalted butter

100 grams of granulated sugar

1 tablespoon plain flour

Icing sugar to decorate

Preheat oven to 150C or 300F

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler. Remove from the heat and whisk in the egg yolks,raspberry liqueur,sugar, butter and flour. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the chocolate mixture. Butter a heart-shaped or round cake tin. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 40 minutes. The cake should be slightly runny in the centre. If using a round cake tin then cut a piece of cardboard into a heart-shaped template approximately the same size as the cake. Remove the cake from the tin and place the heart shaped template on top and use a sharp knife to cut out a heart. Cool. Wash and drain the fresh raspberries. Just before serving, arrange the raspberries in an even way over the top of the cake. Sprinkle with icing sugar (use a tea strainer) and serve immediately.

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Valentine candles are a great addition to any Valentine's Day celebration. Not only are they romantic, but they can also really show the special person in your life just how much you care. In fact, many people, women in particular love candles for special occasions. Just think of all the positives they possess. Valentine candles are pretty. They can be bought in just about any color but can be easily found in holiday specific shades. Valentine candles are easy to find and they are available in many aromas that are pleasing to the senses. Finally, Valentine candles are often very personal. You can even make your own candle as a gift for the one you love.

Romantic candles are suited for any occasion where you and your significant other will be spending an evening together. Whether it is a dinner for two or an intimate night at home, romantic candles add to the atmosphere and in some cases, create the atmosphere. Even if you're not a big fan of candles, what would a candlelit dinner be without the candles? Romantic candles create the sensuous mood you desire and provide a soft and subtle lighting meant for those intimate occasions.

Scented romantic candles can also add the perfect touch to a special occasion like Valentine's Day, an anniversary or even a private birthday dinner. These candles are available in all sorts of scents, but you can specifically find them in appropriately romantic aromas such as spicy cinnamon, subtle lavender or even a musky fragrance meant to entice. One doesn't even have to be a candle connoisseur to enjoy the beauty that candles possess or appreciate their role in setting the mood. It all comes down to the selection of the appropriate scent for your event. An overpowering fragrance can be a turn off, but just the right subtle hint of your love's favorite fragrance can be the perfect touch for your special get together.

Romantic candles add to the atmosphere of your night for two. Regardless of your personal preference for candles, just think of how the love of your life will appreciate the soft glow of candlelight. Plus, what is more flattering than candlelight? It accentuates your best features and plays a major role in setting the mood for a night you'll never forget. Don't think about those "country garden" candles you see portrayed in those house and home magazines. Candles have gone beyond the traditional and progressed right into the modern, sophisticated and sexy.

This article is prepared by Christy Berger who writes for CandleDecorS A longer version of this article can be found at Candle Decor Store. Main resource of this article is Romantic Heart Pillar Valentine Day Candle.

What gift will you buy?

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Are you confused of the type of gift you would like to gift your friend for his birthday, engagement or wedding? Selecting a gift for someone can actually be a difficult task. Sometimes you might find a gift at one go but sometimes it may take hours before you could actually find one.

Gift something that can make the person a shopping spree. Take into consideration the persons like and dislikes before deciding over the gift. Gifts make everyone feel special. Hence it's important that you be selective in your choice. Don't just give away something as you couldn't find time to shop.

Gift Ideas

Receiving and buying gift for some one can be a great experience. Gifts are meant to be given whether it's a birthday, engagement, wedding party or any other special occasion. You need to find a descriptive gift that can be perfect for the occasion. For instance, if it's your friend's engagement party you need to gift the couple something useful for the home. You could gift them a champagne bottle or may be a candle gift basket. You could also gift the couple a wedding planner, wedding survival kit or even a wedding countdown clock.

Candle gift baskets are becoming quite popular. They are available in both scented as well as unscented forms. You can find candle gift baskets for different occasions mainly

• Christmas gift basket

• Wedding gift basket

• Candle gift basket

• Engagement gift basket

• Valentine gift basket

• Unique candle gift basket

Online gifts store

Today one can find enumerable shopping outlets online. All you have to do is perform a search of the type of gift you would like to gift for your friend. You need to calculate prices and compare with different sites to check which one is more suitable one for you.

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When Personalized Gifts Make a Difference

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Finding the right gifts for a particular occasion is always a challenging task. Sometimes it is nice to make a gift for someone, this gives the gift an air of uniqueness and personality and shows the recipient that you took the time to create a truly special gift. This method can also backfire however as it is easy to get in over your head and not be able to complete the gift project on time or in the fashion you wanted to. In other words it is easy to mess up the creation of a gift and be left empty handed or worse yet with a gift you don't feel good about giving.

On the other hand, many people like to give and receive pre-made gifts for their convenience and so that they know they are getting something that will have at least some value to the recipient. This works especially well if you know just what the person wants as a gift. If you are not sure about what the person you are giving to wants then you have to make you best guess. In this case be sure to look at their tastes and not let your own preferences interfere with your decision. This is also a perfect opportunity to combine the best of both handmade gifts and manufactured gifts by using a professional gift company. These companies specialize in gifts that are both personalized and meaningful as well as professionally produced and of top quality.

Baby gifts are one of the most common types of gifts to give, where you need to find something cute and adorable yet practical. Luckily for you when it comes to babies play time is considered a practical use. This is a gifting area that will certainly benefit from the added value of a personalized gift. Adding the name of the special little one and/or an appropriate theme to the gift will make it significantly more special. Look for a company who will make a hand painted piece of children's furniture for you or create a themed baby gift basket.

Anniversary gifts are another common gift category that often keeps the giver guessing when it comes to knowing what the recipient or recipient couple would like to get. This is another place where professionally personalized gifts can be a great choice. Personalized anniversary gifts have the feeling of something special and they allow the gift giver to participate in the gift creation process. In the end you have an exceptional gift that both warms the heart and is easy and fast to get.

Finally, perhaps the most difficult and important of all gifts, Valentines Day gifts are almost always better when personalized. More than any other gifting occasion, Valentines Day requires a high level of gift intimacy. This doesn't mean it needs to be a risqué gift, only that the recipient expects that you have given the gift much thought. It will almost always significantly increase the emotional value of a gift if it is personalized to match the recipient. Additionally, the giver should be able to articulate why the gift was chosen, making the gift that much more special. And, if you can, you should send this message on the gift itself, making the personalized Valentines Day gift one to treasure.

In the end most gifts will benefit from the personalized touch a professional gift provider can create for you. These are just three common examples of how a personalized gift can meet the challenges of a specific gift-giving occasion. For only a nominal increase in cost you can achieve a significant increase in the meaning that the gift can convey.

Anne Harvester is a gift giver extraordinaire traveling the world looking for the best gifts for every occasion. This article was produced in conjunction with GiftBasketsP where you can findValentines Day Gifts, Gift Baskets, Unique Baby Gifts and more.