Celebrated on February 14 every year, Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is the traditional day on which lovers convey their love to each other by sending Valentine's cards, sometimes even anonymously. The most common feature of Valentines Day these days is the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines". Popular Valentine symbols of modern times include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, mass produced greeting cards have largely replaced handwritten notes. It is believed that nearly one billion Valentines Day cards are sent each year worldwide, making it only the second largest card-sending holiday next to Christmas. Women are believed to purchase approximately 85 percent of all "valentines".

Stories of many Valentines

Opinions differ about who St Valentine was. Early martyrologies mention at least three St Valentines under the date of 14 February. One is a priest at Rome, another a Bishop of Interamna (now Terni in Italy) and the other lived and died in Africa. Many, however, are of the opinion that the first two are the same person.

It is, however, widely believed that Valentine's Day has perhaps originated from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. A festival was held on February 15 in honor of one of their gods Lupercus, who was called upon by the Romans to ward off the threats of those fierce wolves that roamed the adjacent forests. On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia, a love lottery was organized in which the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man then drew a slip and the girl whose name he picked up was to be his sweetheart for the year.

The holiday subsequently became Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine. At that time when Christianity was still a new religion, Valentine was a priest in Rome. The then Emperor Claudius II, had issued an order forbidding the Roman soldiers to marry or become engaged. The emperor believed that once they got married, his soldiers would want to stay home rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor's decree and secretly married the young couples. He was finally arrested, imprisoned, and beheaded on February 14, the eve of Lupercalia. Valentine was posthumously named a saint. As Christianity grew stronger in Rome, the priests moved the Lupercalia or spring holiday from February 15 to February 14, i.e., Valentine's Day. Since then the holiday began honoring Saint Valentine instead of Lupercus.

"From your Valentine"

According to another story, Valentine was one of the early Christians who was seized and dragged before the Prefect of Rome and jailed for helping some Christian martyrs. He cured the jailor's daughter of blindness while in jail. When the emperor learned of this miracle he ordered the beheading of Valentine. Valentine is said to have sent the jailor's daughter a farewell message signed, "From your Valentine".

In 1969, as part of a larger effort to reduce the number of saint days of purely legendary origin, the Church removed St. Valentine's Day as an official holiday from its calendar. At present, February 14 is dedicated only to Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius.

This article is written by Arindam Bose for It is a free article and can be used by any webmaster on their website, provided they will keep the link intact with the article ( for sending Valentine's Day greeting cards to loved and near and dear ones, please check out this page ).

Express Yourself with Flowers !

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

A flower can say a thousand things without actually saying anything! Flowers might be inanimate but possess a language of their own. They convey a whole gamut of emotions which even words might find difficult to put through. The sight and smell of flowers is irresistible and what they reflect is irreplaceable.

For any and every occasion, be it birthdays, anniversaries, engagements or new arrivals, flowers can be given as a gift without thinking twice. One thing is for sure, it will definitely be liked by the recipient. Who doesn't like flowers? We know that everyone does and hence no other gift can be as appropriate as a bunch or bouquet of flowers. Your loved ones will love you even more for it!

Flowers can be gifted in various forms and arrangements in accordance with the occasion and your requirement. Be it a simple bunch, in the form of a bouquet or in a basket, flowers look appealing in every garb that they are offered in. They can be arranged keeping in mind the various colour combinations and themes, making it appropriate for decoration purposes as well!

What a flower reveals as a gift is a subjective issue. A bunch of red roses is a perfect accompaniment to a heart warming proposal that you make to your girlfriend! In case, its friendship that's on your mind, a bouquet of yellow roses will do the needful and convey the message even without you having to utter a word! Blue carnations are enough to make an ill person feel alright and some sunflowers in the morning are sure to make your entire day bright and sunny!

One of the most beautiful creations of nature, flowers form a perfect gift for all your loved ones, is a great way to say that you care and a perfect way to express your love for that special one!

Henry Kruz is a marketing expert who provides the information on various themes through articles. flower giftchocolate gift

Keep Romance Alive

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Keep the romance in a relationship alive with these quick tips.


If you are married, or living together its still important to get out of the house. Go on a date without children or friends at least once a month. Planning can often makes the difference between having a date or not. Even though a date is planned, spontaneity allows for following the whims of enjoyment. Always remember the cost of the date does not determine its value.

Create Memories

Every time you go out go somewhere. Creating new memories help relationships grow. Go on a date and experience something new together. The key to a successful romantic event is attitude.


Surprise inspires romance, if you`re going to be back first, buy your lover`s favorite takeaway, and try to rush and arrange a beautiful candlelit dinner complete with wine and silver candlesticks. If you`re first out and slightly early, buy a bunch of roses and drop by your lover`s office, leaving them on her desk with an invitation to dinner tonight. On the way home, buy your lover`s favorite dessert or ice-cream, curl up together on the sofa after dinner, get that dessert out, and enjoy it together.

Surprise him/her with a sensuous massage after a romantic dinner. If you do not cook, you can still arrange a romantic dinner. Just make sure you show that you have put some thought into it order her favorite food or buy a picnic hamper packed with gourmet delights. Be adventurous, and eat in a park or beach. If it rains, just move indoors to a carpet picnic.


Verbally express how you feel but remember action speaks louder than words, however, sometimes your mate needs to hear them.


Keep your mate in suspense. It goes hand in hand with romance. Notes in his lunch or brief case : Slip a suggestive note in, and leave him hanging. Pack a quick lunch of sandwiches or your lover`s favorite for his/her lunch in a lunch box. Leave a romantic message inside. The anticipation will build all day.

Celebrate Memories

Give your mate a small memento to trigger memories.

Play Treasure Hunt.

Leave little notes telling her how much you care around the house in places you know she will find them, like on the bathroom mirror, on top of the milk, in her purse etc. You can also include clues on the bottom of each message to help her find her Valentine's day gift.


Wake up early, and prepare breakfast in bed for your lover. When your lover gets home late from work, suggest he or she lie in the bathtub while you scrub, rub and bathe him or her.

Keep it Fresh

Finding new activities that both enjoy heightens interest in being with each other. Unplug the television and the phone. Snuggle up on the couch together and watch a movie. Let him choose the movie, or choose one each and watch two. You want to have your mate's complete undivided attention. Light some incense or use scented candles. You will love the way they season the room. On the way home, buy your lover`s favorite dessert or ice-cream, curl up together on the sofa after dinner, get that dessert out, and enjoy it together.


Always have after dinner mints. Nothing stifles romance than bad breath. Need I say more.


Music can be very seductive. So when it comes to picking music, go with what you like. However, when creating a romantic mood keep in mind that Jazz and R&B is usually the music of choice. Don't forget to set your tape or CD player on continuous play. Nothing kills the mood like stopping to change the CD or to flip the tape. If the only source of music you have is the radio there is plenty of stations that plays Jazz and R&B. Serenade your mate even if singing is not your strong suit.


Daily compliments to (and from) BOTH partners. Such as..."Hi honey, you look beautiful today!" Or "Hey handsome! You did a wonderful job pruning that tree!" You know just anything positive that you can think of to brighten your spouses day.

Thoughtful Gifts

Buy a thoughtful gift. Keep an ear and eye out for what she says she needs or wants. Always remember the cost of the gift does not determine its value. Buy him a present that takes some thought, like a book by his favorite author, or the DVD of his favorite movie. Buy him two tickets to see his favorite sports team, and tell him he can take a mate with him.


On a rainy day, instead of taking the opportunity to do the errands, do the laundry, cleaning, etc... , take an afternoon nap. Put music on at a low volume and, enjoy yourselves in the stillness of the moment. Even though a date is planned, spontaneity allows for following the whims of enjoyment and keeps the dating experience from becoming old and disinteresting.


Keep conversation going. Ask questions. Be interested in what he/she is saying. Arrange to meet after work at that quiet pier where both of you love to sit and talk while enjoying the ocean breeze.


Dim the lights to add an air of mystery, and create a warm cozy feeling. If you`re going to be back first, buy your lover`s favorite takeaway, and try to rush and arrange a beautiful candlelit dinner complete with wine and silver candlesticks. Wear something sexy, but comfortable. Freeze candles a hour before using. They burn slower. If you don't want to use scented candles, you can use heated oil, potpourri or incense.

Francesca Black a romantic at heart, writes for Valentine Shop and Angel Gifts

Saucy Gifts For Troops Overseas

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

So you met a delicious looking man. And then he whipped out his uniform and you liked him even more. But now he's being deployed and whilst you knew what you signed up for… it's still not good.

There are thousands of women going through the same thing and there is lots of helpful advice around for those dealing with deployment. For British ladies, the British Army has a Welfare and Support system that gives lots of practical advice and support. And in the US, the US Community and Family Support centre offers the same. But you might be thinking a bit more emotionally. What do you do when you get really lonely and you just want a cuddle?

Lots of things. Keep busy and distract yourself. There is always work to take your mind off things or take college courses, use your friends and start hanging out with them more, go out and do things you might not think to do like museums or comedy clubs or dance classes, start exercising,

"It goes faster when I'm thinking, 'I only have three more months to get a body like Britney Spears (ha, ha)!'" –kelnelmo.

But do make sure you do indulge in thinking about him too, in the right way. Don't get sucked into oh- god- I- miss- him- so- much- I'm- going- to- sit- here- and- fester- all- alone thoughts. Write letters or emails often, to keep him up on all the news so he won't feel out of the loop. You could even get creative and send him a personalised romance novel giving him a bit of saucy reading each night!

But, remember, he's going to be missing you too, so search for gifts for deployed forces and get him something special.

Create a Virtual Home, with modern technology many soldiers have access to the Internet. There are numerous sites (like where you can create your own homepage and post important information, events and photos so he's not feeling left out and abandoned.

And definitely think ahead about you as a couple. Many couples get scared that after a long time apart the relationship won't be the same, it will fall apart but it doesn't have to happen like that. Send him lots of gorgeous pictures of yourself and keep sending more. Make him a little album of photos that are special to him; you, you and him together, holidays you had together, nights out, parties. Or even better, get him a personalised erotic romance novel. U Star Novels will send to BFPO, FPO and APO addresses. He might laugh and scoff but once he's alone in his bunk, looking at your photos he'll turn to his personalised erotic romance book. And he'll love it. A book completely about you and him romancing it up and getting down to some naughty action…It can help keep the love and spark in your relationship alive. And you could get one for yourself too.

Whatever happens know that you are not alone. Even though you didn't want him to be deployed, there is a lot of help out there for you and lots of people going through the same thing. And there are always friends to help you out. And what is it they say…Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Katie Olver from UStar Novels U Star Novels offers the UK's first adventure romance novels with a twist...You are the star. Ranging in sauciness, we'll entwine you and your lover into an authentic romance novel featuring you on every page.

For young dating couples that are still experiencing the passion and all-encompassing rush of new love, Valentine's Day can hold great importance. Impressing someone with elaborate gifts can be one way of telling the person that you are dating that you think they are special, and that you have great hopes for the relationship. Valentine's Day gifts in this stage of a relationship can tell people a lot about each other, and can be a good indicator of where the relationship may be headed.

What about people who have been married for a while?

For married couples Valentine's Day isn't less important…just different and, in many ways, better. It is a time to celebrate love and reminisce about all the Valentine's Days that you have spent together. Gifts given on Valentine's Day to a spouse can have much more significance, because you should know your spouse well enough to give something that has special meaning. A diamond anniversary band or three stone ring given to a wife tells her that you are glad that you married her and that you value your life together. A gold watch given to a husband tells him that you appreciate him and want him to have the very best.

Married couples don't have to give elaborate gifts on Valentine's Day; a meaningful gift that says you care or a sweet gesture of love are just as special. When you are married, the thought that is put into the gift is the important factor. A jewelry gift that says "I know you, and I know what makes you happy" goes a long way toward making someone feel that they are special and valued. If your wife likes heart shapes then giving her a diamond heart pendant or bracelet with heart-shaped charms can mean much more to her than simply handing her a gold chain. It shows that you know what she likes, you listen to her, that you put thought into the gift. Jewelry that celebrates each other's individuality as well as the life that you have made together can be priceless, no matter what the actual cost.

Giving your spouse something they have been considering buying for a while is a good way to show your love. To come up with an original Valentine's Day gift think about what is important to your spouse; what makes him or her happy. Does your husband love to golf? Give him a gift certificate for a round of golf at his favorite course. Does your wife love classical music? Tickets for a night out to see the symphony let's you plan a second night to spend together. A gift of jewelry is a lasting reminder of this Valentine's Day and your relationship – and jewelry is always appreciated. And don't forget about giving flowers – they may seem traditional but flowers brighten a winter day and are romantic. One of the reasons that successful marriages stay that way is because the spouses try never to take each other for granted, and the right gift on Valentine's Day can go a long way in proving your commitment to that ideal.

Jill Renee is the president of Danforth Diamond, an online jewelry store specializing in diamond engagement rings. With 50 years in the jewelry business, the Danforth family developed their site to help you purchase a quality engagement ring.

Flower Meanings

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Various flowers come with various meanings and by knowing what each is you can send your loved one the right flowers for the right occasion. To some people this may seem like a trival piece of information to know but after sending someone flowers you will normally recieve a thankyou phone call to which you can add the meaning of the flowers showing an extra meaning and thoughtfullness to your gift.

Carnations remain one of the most popular flowers in the world as well as being one of the oldest varieties. Carnations are a symbol of love and fascination, they are a perfect gift for a loved one for any occassion. Carnations are available in a wide variety of colours.

Gerbera's are an extremely popular flower variety through florists, due to their large long and bright petals. They represent beauty and innocence and can be found in a large variety of extremly beautiful colours.

Tulips have a very distinct look about them, thus their meaining of grace and elegance and love. Another popular choice for a loved one.

Roses are without a doubt the most recognisable and popular flower. With each colour of the rose having a different meaning.Red are for love and romance, the perfect rose to give to a lover. Pink is for appreciation and admiration and as a slightly more subtle alternative to the red. Yellow symbolise friendship and joy, white is for honour and for remembrance. Orange for desire and enthusiasm.

copyright 2008


Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 PM | 0 comments »

Flowers are one of the most beautiful and charming gifts that nature has provided us. The delicate beauty of flowers has fascinated us for a long time. Flowers have been used for ornamentation and decoration purposes all around the world. Flowers have inspired the creativity of many artists and poets and the inspiration has resulted in beautiful artistic representations.

These charming nature's masterpieces are brimming with classic beauty and graceful elegance. Flowers are a medium of expressing our emotions. They innocently express strongest feelings in a delicate and chaste manner and therefore make a perfect gift. Flowers have a wonderful ability to provide cheer and joy to the recipient and are one of the most popular gifts.

Different flowers express different emotions such as Bells of Ireland for Good Luck, Carnations represent devoted love, Dahlias represent dignity & elegance, and lilies represent purity & faith. Roses are most widely gifted flowers and different colors of the flower represent different meanings. A red rose represents love, unconscious beauty, white rose purity & spiritual love, yellow rose denotes gladness & joy, orange roses represent enthusiasm & fascination and pink roses denote grace.

Kellee Flowers is a leading online florist in Melbourne offering beautiful flowers such as corporate flowers, wedding flowers and sympathy flowers. The stylish Corporate Flowers change the dreary office environment into a cheerful atmosphere. The lovely flowers provide a healing touch to the stressful office atmosphere. The client preferences are specially adhered too and the flower arrangements are according to the theme suggested by the client. The Bridal Flowers enhance the beauty of the bridal gown and add freshness and delicate elegance to the whole bridal attire. You can get bridal bouquet that match with the taste and the outfit of the bride. As a customer you have a variety of options to choose from.

Kellee Flowers are an elegant and beautiful way to express your feelings in style. The hand picked, fresh flowers are the best way to show your friends and relatives that you care. Visit the site and send flowers anywhere in Australia.

John is a well known author who writes for

The Story Behind Your Valentine's Chocolates

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Valentine's Day is synonymous with romance, of course. But of the millions who celebrate the popular holiday for lovers each year, how many actually know the rich history behind it?

There are several competing theories on the origins of Valentine's Day. Some say its beginnings can be found in the Middle Ages, when many believed that birds mated for life on Feb. 14. To commemorate the spirit of companionship, people would send love letters on that day.

Others say we owe our celebration to the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia, a pagan fertility festival that was held in mid-February. On this day, women wrote love notes that were placed in an urn and randomly drawn by men, who would then pursue the note-writers and claim them as companions for the next year.

Early Christians preferred to associate the holiday with the saint of romantic causes, Saint Valentine. But there is some controversy regarding Saint Valentine: The Catholic Church recognizes at least three saints named Valentine or Valentinus.

The most popular candidate is a third century priest. Legend says he performed secret marriages against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who forbade young men from marrying because he believed that single men were more likely to join the army.

As the story goes, Valentine was imprisoned for his misdeeds. He then fell in love with his jailer's daughter and sent her a note signed "From Your Valentine" before he was executed in A.D. 270. A little more than 200 years later, Pope Gelasius officially recognized Feb. 14 in honor of Valentine, the patron saint of lovers.

Some say the tradition of sending Valentine greetings started in 1415 with a Frenchman named Charles, Duke of Orleans. Imprisoned in the Tower of London after the Battle of Agincourt, the duke reportedly passed time by writing romantic verses for his wife. By the 16th century, sending written expressions of affection on Valentine's Day had become very common.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the giving of Valentines was accompanied with gifts of flowers and chocolates. The red rose and heart-shaped box of chocolates became synonymous with Valentine's Day.

Now, more than $1 billion is spent annually on Valentine's Day candy.

The National Confectioners Association estimates that more than 36 million candy hearts will be sold this year alone, the majority of them from Russell Stover, the leading producer of heart-shaped boxes of chocolate in the United States. Russell Stover also caters to the health conscious with assortments that are sugar-free and low in carbohydrates.

To find the perfect Valentine's Day heart for that special someone this year, visit - NU

Flower Delivery

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Over recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of flower shops that are offering flowers and flower arrangements at discount rates over the internet.

Many offer free shipping and most offer some form of discount. It has quickly become one of the most popular forms of flower sales for florists.

Most of these flower shops offer same day delivery within a specified distance from the flower retailer. Discounts are often offered for specials occasions such as Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Christmas Day and also for other personal occasions such as the birth of a baby.

By buying directly from the retailer over the Internet you can be assured of freshness and flower quality, as the reputation of these online retailers can spread quickly over the Internet.

As flowers can make a powerful impression on the person who is receiving them, so too can the service and the quality of the flower retailer and they know that providing good service and prices will help them retain your custom.

Added to this is the fact that there are now so many opportunities for the customer to shop around and get exceptional deals.

Ordering flowers online is so much easier, and more often than not you will have a far greater selection to choose from when dealing with the big flower delivery services.

Flower deliveries can be scheduled for different times of the day adding to the convenience of online ordering. With many different payment options it is as simple as filling out the details, paying with your credit card and your flower delivery will arrive at your desired destination when you determine.

It is very convenient for those occasions when you have forgotten to order on time or you have limited time to arrange flower delivery through your normal channels.

It is possible to arrange for delivery of flowers both nationwide and also worldwide as many of the big flower delivery businesses have branches throughout the world.

The best place to start is with a quick search of the Internet where you can compare what the different flower delivery companies are offering in the form of discounts and delivery times.

There is no longer a problem sending flowers to a loved one anywhere in the world.

Graeme Ramsey is a freelance writer on many different subjects. Flower Delivery

Take Your Valentine on a Mega Date

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Ever been on a Mega Date? Wondering what in the world is a mega date? Probably best described as more fun than two people should be allowed to have in one day. A mega date is an all day date taking in all the typical dating activities. It's not for the weak! You need a great sense of humor and a great sense of adventure. Why a mega date? Between working, going to school, taking care of the kids, having any type of social life can be difficult and time consuming. Finding time to date can be next to impossible. You meet someone, maybe meet for lunch one day, go out on a typical Friday night date, take in a movie and dinner, make small talk. Yawn! Life is short! Kick it up a notch! A mega date is a great way to get to know someone new or add spice to a stale relationship. It will take a bit of planning but doesn't have to be expensive, there are plenty of activities you can do that don't cost much. Here is how it works.

You plan out as many activities as you can fit into one day. The mega date day will start at 8am and go to midnight! You will need to figure out how long each activity will last and how far apart they are. You need to allow for travel time between activities and some time for unexpected things that can pop up. It is best to find a number of quick activities that don't take more than an hour or two. For example, instead of playing 9 holes of golf you can just go to a driving range and hit a bucket of balls. Instead of an all day bike ride, ride for a half hour, have a picnic, then ride back. I think you get the idea.

Your day may start with something like a walk around a lake and then going out for breakfast or just a bagel and coffee. Your next few activities should include more physical things like golf, tennis, biking etc. Try and schedule a picnic for lunch. The afternoon might include visiting a local museum, other interesting landmarks or your local "must see" tourist destination.

Try to include things you or your date have never done but had always wanted to. Take in a movie, a show or other current event. Have dinner at some romantic restaurant or local hot spot (as long as the wait isn't too long!, you don't want to get off schedule.) Try a carriage ride, horseback riding, miniature golf, anything on the water, rent a canoe or paddle boat, Go for a swim at a waterpark or beach. Visit an art gallery, Go to a casino, put $10 in a slot machine and see who is the bigger winner. Go bowling. Go hiking in a park, Play Frisbee golf. Go indoor ice skating, Go rollerblading. Get a couples massage, Visit a vineyard. Visit a petting zoo. Plan both indoor and outdoor activities. Have backups if there is a change in weather. Put your thinking cap on and search for fun things to do in your area. Cram in as much fun as you can.

At the end of the day, you and your date will be exhausted but it will be the most fun you have had in a long time. You will both be thinking "I can't believe we did all that!" Don't forget to bring a camera to capture the day, then make a scrapbook of the mega date day.

A Few Mega Date Rules:

Stay on schedule

A sense of humor must be maintained at all times

The person who plans the mega date is in charge.

The person who was invited on the mega date is not to ask what the next activity is. The day is a total surprise for the person invited. All activities must be kept confidential.

No whining.

No napping.

The person invited must be a good sport and go along with all activities.

The person invited must read these rules.

Have fun!!

Find online dating advice, dating ideas, news and links at the Mega Date Cafe

Isn't it just the worst. His birthday is coming and you're just plain out of ideas. Or it's Christmas maybe, or fathers day, or valentines day? You've exhausted your idea store.

Have you considered a gift basket?

Gift baskets are one of the fastest growing segments of the massive online gifts market for men. Gift baskets are big business for good reason, and so many people are now looking for great gift basket ideas when searching for gifts for that special man.

A gift basket makes a fine gift for a man if you choose your theme properly and buy well. Lets say, for example, that he's a golf nut.

You can buy him a golf gift basket full of all sorts of golf gifts that will set his juices going. And you don't need to know anything about golf to do it. A good gift basket company will do it all for you.

Or he loves his food. Why not a gourmet food gift basket. Loves his coffee? Why not a gourmet coffee gift basket? Or a wine gift basket, or fishing basket, or valentines day gift basket, or.........

The list goes on and on. There are thousands of gift baskets available online, covering just about anything a man could desire.

You'll probably find that it's more a case of being spoilt for choice, and spending too much time choosing between all that is offered. Once you decide that a gift basket will make the ideal gift for him you have a wealth of choices.

And you don't need to buy one. If you're short of money, or if you're creative, or if you'd like to make a gift basket that's extra special to him because it's from you and only you, then you can make one.

It's not difficult to make a gift basket. It takes a little time, and a little thought, and a little creativity, but it isn't hard. And it will cost less than a similar gift basket that is purchased. And it's fun to do.

And buying a premade gift basket or making your own are only 2 options out of the many. There are other ways of organizing a wonderful gift for him of a fine gift basket.

Want to design your own gift basket for him but don't have the time or inclination to do it yourself?

No matter. There are gift basket companies that allow you to organise a personalized gift basket online.

You choose your budget. You choose your basket or other container (it's not just baskets, there's hundreds of things you can use for a "basket").

You then choose your gifts that go into the basket. So if you know a little about what he'd like in his gift basket you can select exactly what goodies he'll be receiving in it. Choose them yourself and it's a much more personalized gift basket.

Then write your special message to him to go on the card that accompanies his gift basket and you're done, you've organized a wonderful gift for him that he should love.

Gift baskets are becoming one of the most turned to gifts amongst those who are a little stuck for ideas. And amongst those who recognize how successful a fine gift basket is as a gift for a man, or anyone else for that matter.

So if you're stuck for an great idea for your special man, consider a gift basket. You'll have lots of choices, and he'll love it.

Peter calls himself the Mens Gifts Guru and runs one of the webs premier websites all about gifts basket ideas, and other mens gift ideas, called Find That Gift For Him. Visit his

Squidoo lens about gifts baskets for lots of ideas for making or finding great mens gift baskets.

How To (Gently) Cure Your Gift-Phobic Guy

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

If you are one of the thousands of women who received a household appliance for your last anniversary, you are not alone. If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of women who received a box of candy for Valentine's Day, two weeks into your diet, you are not alone. If you are one of the millions of women who received flowers for her birthday – the day after – you are not alone.

The truth is: most men are "gift-phobic." It's not that they don't care, it's that they are afraid to disappoint you. Most little boys are not trained in the art of shopping, gift giving, and package presentation, whereas little girls learn gift giving etiquette and savvy at the hands of their mothers and aunties.

With little experience and zero confidence, many men rely on old standbys like flowers, candy, and taking you out for a nice dinner. What does all of that remind you of? That's right. Dating.

In the beginning of your relationship, you probably thought it was sweet that he presented you with a heart-shaped box of candy on Valentine's Day. You loved every petal on every stem of every flower, and thought he was a romantic because he took you back to the same restaurant for special occasions. Men do what works. So, if you liked it then, you should like it now, right?

So where do all of those "useful" gifts come in? Actually, it shows your guy is paying attention. He hears you say several times that you really need a new vacuum, and so he thinks he is giving you what you want when hands over his plastic for that brand new Dirt Devil.

The last thing your guy wants to do is disappoint you. He might have an idea of something you might like, but when it comes time to actually purchase the item for you, he chokes. He has gift giving performance anxiety. This is why, if you go to the mall on December 24th, you will find scores of men wandering about like deer in headlights.

This is also why so many men miss their partner's birthdays and anniversaries. In an effort to postpone the painful insecurity of wondering if you will like what they purchased, they wait too long and miss the boat entirely. And you won't like anything they give you if it's even one day late. Right?

Now that you understand why your guy is gift-phobic, you can help him get past it. First, you are going to have to let go of your fantasies about elaborate romantic surprises, or the perfect gift that makes you wonder if he was "reading your mind." These expectations set your guy up for failure.

Once you accept the fact that although he needs a little clue here and there, he doesn't love you any less, you can start training him for gift giving greatness. There are two ways of doing this, and you can use them both.

As you flip through catalogs, put post-it notes by the things you like, and if it's clothing, jot down your size on the note. You can do the same with magazines, but you need to include the retailer's web address so your guy can actually find the item you want.

Now, remember, you want to help him gain confidence. Point out the items you like, but don't tell him to get it for you for an upcoming occasion. Leave the catalogs and magazines somewhere where he can easily find them when he's ready to buy.

Another way to help guide him is a bit more obvious, but still leaves room for him to make the decision for himself. Tell him three possible options that you would love to receive equally. Phrase it in a way that does not chastise him for not thinking about what to get you sooner.

For example, you might say, "I don't want to interfere with any ideas you may have for our anniversary, but I was thinking I might like a spa day, or to see that new Broadway show. Oh, and what do you think of Tango lessons? Those are all things I would really love for my anniversary."

Do you see how that approach does not reprimand him for not thinking of something on his own, gives him a few options to consider, and lets him keep the element of surprise? The last sentence is really important, because it lets him know you will be happy when you receive one of those gifts. You're telling him it would be a sure thing.

The final step in curing your gift-phobic guy is praise. When you receive a gift you like, or like better than the last one, praise him. Get excited, tell others about it in his presence, and by all means, do not return it. Also, make sure you use it, wear it, or show it off from time to time.

When you help your guy become a world-class gift giver, he will want to do it over and over again. With new found confidence, he may even give you something you didn't expect; something that is exactly what you wanted, fits you perfectly, and shows you he knows and loves you best. That's worth a little gentle training, isn't it?

Karen Fusco is co-founder of SilkB which supports Busy Moms with free gift ideas and helpful tips to meet the challenges of motherhood. She is also co-founder of WellnessA , a directory of articles covering many areas of wellness. Karen can be reached directly at: karen@SilkB

Holidays in USA

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

This is a family holiday. Families come together from near and far. In some places special religious services are held in the morning. Then comes the traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with sweet potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day.

Football is the most popular game on this day. For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Usually there are several football games to watch on TV.

Stores, classrooms and homes are decorated with toy turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried and artificial flowers and vegetables. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people.


This holiday is celebrated on October 31. Its roots date back hundreds of years to the Druid holiday when the Lord of Dead gathered up the souls of all those who had died during the year to present them to Heavens on October 31, because of November 1 reign of Prince of Darkness.

According to belief all kinds of witches, goblins and ghosts wandered abroad on this night. On that day Druids lit huge bonfires to honor the sun god and to keep away evil spirits. Later this evening was turned into festival of fancy-dress parties for young people. They wear ghost and goblin costumes, masks, witches' hats. Lanterns made of hollow turnips or pumpkins that look like skulls, with a candle in each of them, are hung in the dark. White sheets are widely used to look like ghosts to scare each other. All this is accompanied by story telling – "ghost tales" – and marry-making. Boys and girls go along the streets playing tricks. With the threat of "Treat or Trick!" they knock at the doors of their neighbors asking for a candy.

Another popular activity is telling ghost stories, while eating hot chestnuts roasted in the fire. It's a good idea to tell a chain-story. One person starts a story (he makes it up as he goes along). At a dramatic moment he stops and another person goes on. Again, when everything is getting very exciting, the story-teller stops and another person continues. You could be sitting around the fire all night!

St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day is the holiday of all the sweethearts.

It's celebrated on February, 14th on the date of an old pagan festival when each young man drew from an urn a decorate love missive with the name of the girl who would be his sweetheart for the coming year.

In the 7th century festival began to be called St. Valentine's day in honor of a Christian martyr, Valentine by name. He was a bishop, who, before he was put to death by the Romans, sent a note of affection to his jailer's blind daughter.

Now it's the day when people in love express their feelings for each other. And the quick and modern way to it is with a Valentine card. You can make a card yourself or bay a ready-made one. You can out your name or send it unsigned.

A card can be either sentimental with love poetry or even secret code like ITALY- I trust and love you, or satirical, like "Here's the key to my heart…Use it before I change the lock!" More than 19 million Valentine's cards are sent on every February, 14 in the United States.

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The world is full of flowers. Visit any place dedicated to flowers and you will be amazed at the types of flowers, and facts about them. Flowers come in all shapes, and colors. Some of them can intoxicate you with their lovely perfume. Some are so delicate that one fears touching them. And all of them are stunningly beautiful. still, it is the Rose which is preferred around the world as a flower of choice on the Valentine's day? I wonder about this. And though I have not tried to search for the reasons, here is my own theory on why it is so. One another fact struck me. We can get Roses in many colors but still it the dark red that is preferred as the flower of love. Why?

Let us first think about the color choice. I think that dark red must be the preferred color as it looks like red. And every true lover is ready to shed his/her blood for the beloved. Also love is associated with the heart, and heart pumps blood. So red signifies love. Colors have their own significance, looking at any white color, the first thought is of purity. Same way red means love.

Now let us examine our central theme. Why Rose? A Rose has thorns. But the thorns are below the Rose. The Rose represents life beautifully. It has very soft petals, that tell us about the soft side of living and thorns to convey that life is not all the bed of Roses without thorns. What does a lover do? A true lover will always take the thorns and give only the soft flowers to his/her darling. That is love and love demands that one give only comfort to one's darling. Love demands sacrifice. Love demands giving of joy. Love demands that all pain be kept away from the beloved. That is also the message a lover sends across to his/her beloved with a Rose. I have kept the thorns with myself and I am sending you these soft flowers . I think this is the reason why on Valentine's day, the red Rose is the flower of choice.

C.D.Mohatta writes on spirituality, motivation, management etc. You can send ecards with messages written by him. Also download beautiful ocean screensavers with real water videos. The third site, the author writes for is Quizzes & Tests .

Valentine's Day for Dummies

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 PM | 0 comments »

Saint Valentine's Day rolls around just once a year. And if you've been married as long as I have, your chances for sex don't come much more often. 'There's always next year' is a fine mantra for a Cubs fan or a Libertarian, but not for a lover. So don't miss your amorous opportunity this time around -- heed the following Valentine's Day advice.

Nobody wants to hear the story of Saint Valentine

Simply put, any story that ends with a beheading is not going to get you laid. If you must tell a 'topical' story, try something from 'Penthouse Letters', instead. Much hotter, and the tales there almost never end in decapitations.

Let your partner tell you when it's time to see your underwear

Guys, I know she tells you she likes surprises. I know she wants you to be spontaneous. But greeting her at the door -- or, god forbid, at her office -- wearing nothing but a trenchcoat and a pair of edible undies is not helping anyone. Besides the fact that you look ridiculous, mid-February is still quite cold in many parts of the world. For your own sake, think of the 'shrinkage'.

Ladies... ignore this point altogether. We always want to see your underwear. Or, preferably, your lack thereof. You little vixens, you.

Don't eat the candy hearts

First of all, they taste like styrofoam ass. Chalky styrofoam ass. Who wants to eat chalky styrofoam ass? Nobody, that's who.

Also, remember that a candy approximately as dry as the Sahara will rob you of all the saliva you've managed to produce that week. And your kissy-faced schnookums isn't going to appreciate sucking on your parched, wrinkly tongue. It's not 'Saint French-The-Elderly Day', after all. I think that one's in September.

Finally, realize that the average number of candy hearts a person can eat without ralphing them back up is somewhere in the neighborhood of two. And while the irony of seeing a regurgitated 'I M N2 U!' in the toilet bowl is 'delicious', it is by no means 'romantic'.

Leave the poetry to the professional poets

I tell you this from personal experience. A few years ago, I decided that the best way to express my love was to write my wife a poem, raw and sexy and straight from the heart. Here are the words that ended the odd-numbered lines of said poem:




'schmenitalia' (the point where I realized I was in over my head)


'labradoodle' (don't ask)



She made me sleep on the couch for a week. Don't go there. Just don't.

Don't give your sweetie an uber-religious greeting card

Yes, she'll be happy you remembered. Yes, it's the thought that counts. And yes, the picture on the front with a single ray of light shining through the stormclouds is certainly inspirational.

But nothing screams 'why don't we just cuddle tonight?' quite like a card containing the line:

'Blessed be our marital bed, shared in love with the bosom of Jesus.'

I'm all for a 'Valentine's threesome' -- particularly one involving bosoms -- but that's just a little too kinky. Steer clear.

If you don't buy your lover chocolate, don't explain why

It's perfectly acceptable to say:

'I bought you these [flowers / massage oils / sexy underpants / strippers] because you're beautiful and I love you.'

It's not acceptable to say:

'I didn't get you any chocolate, because I know you're dieting and I support your goal of being thinner.'

And it's definitely not a good idea to say:

'Besides, you want a gift that'll last for more than three minutes, and you won't cry about later, right?'

Again, personal experience. And another week sleeping on the couch.

Learn from my mistakes, budding Romeos and Juliets. Follow these tips, and you should be randily romancing your lover in no time. Ignore my advice, and... well, 'there's always next year'.

Charlie Hatton is an overzealous blogger and aspiring standup comedian offering smart, sophisticated humor about life, language, and the size of his naughty bits. He writes semi-daily and mostly randomly at Where the Hell Was I?

The Mood Of Valentine's Day

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Mood. It is something very complicated. One moment, we are in a mood to go out and meet some friends, and the next moment our mood changes. Mood is a state of mind and as most of us have no control over our minds, our mood changes from sad to happy or vice versa.

Valentine's day is coming. One cannot forget to be in the right mood for that day. Isn't it? How to do that? How to make sure that on that day, our mood does not become sad or some bad memories don't overpower us on that day? And that we are in a mood to appreciate our beloved and make him/her feel special.

What makes or decides the mood? First is the atmosphere. When you walk in a cancer ward of a hospital, your mood immediately becomes sad and you begin thinking of pains of life. And if after an hour, you find yourself in a party to celebrate your friend's birthday, with joy all around, your mood takes an about turn and you join the fun. So atmosphere decides mood.

The next to affect our mood are thoughts. If you read and think more about philosophy of living and the why and how of life, your mood automatically becomes serious. One needs a balance in life to keep a sane head all the time. Otherwise, either you will be always cheerful about everything and take nothing seriously or you will remain sad for most of the time. Bring a balance in your life, in your mind.

Coming to Valentine's Day, one has to get into the mood of romance. How to do that? Here are some tips. Read more romantic stories/novels or thoughts. Go window shopping near places that stock Valentine's gifts. Download few Valentine's day wallpapers or screensavers. Talk to your friends about how love changes life. Avoid any serious topic for few days. Choose clothes that energize you. Go for colors rather than whites. Shop for a lovely gift for your sweetheart. Buy some flowers. Small things will add to your mood and by the time the Valentine's Day arrives, you will be in a romantic mood.

CD Mohatta writes for animated screensavers and wallpapers on inspiration. He also writes text for ecards and quizzes. To read the content text, you can download the screensavers and wallpapers. Also send free ecards and enjoy

fun quiz cards.

Red roses and chocolate are the quintessential presents for loved ones on Valentine's Day, but the conventional production of these gifts is anything but sweet for the environment and for the workers who produce them.

This Valentine's Day, you can treat your loved one and honor the environment at the same time by purchasing organic flowers and chocolates.

"The organic versions of these treats are some of the highest quality available," said Katherine DiMatteo, executive director for the Organic Trade Association. "According to many, organic flowers are more fragrant and last longer than their conventional counterparts and the organic chocolates being produced today are some of the finest tasting in the world."

To achieve a flawless appearance, conventional flowers are grown in massive greenhouses that utilize large quantities of pesticides. Organic flowers, however, are grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. This makes it better for the surrounding environment and farm workers as well as the end recipient who can thoroughly enjoy the wonderful scents of an organic bouquet.

The production of conventional cocoa is second only to cotton production in pesticide use, according to the Pesticide Action Network. Conversely, organic cocoa is cultivated on plots under a shade canopy that preserve critical elements of the native tropical forests. Biologists have determined that this environmentally sound method of farming helps to maintain biodiversity and protect the winter habitat of millions of migratory songbirds.

Organic chocolates are created with the finest of care to ensure optimum quality and a rich, indulgent taste. Organic ingredients must be certified, and no ingredients can be genetically modified.

You can find organic chocolates and flowers at many natural products retailers. For further information, visit the Organic Trade Association's Web site at - NU

When you cook for Valentine's Day, love radiates from your heart, pours into the food and gives it the magical quality that ignites the soul. When you serve your Valentine an elegant meal do it with some beautiful candles, good champagne or wine if you like, and a loving and warm smile. Remember the real aphrodisiac is you!

Cream of Courgette soup with tarragon


1 chicken bouillon (stock) cube

2 sprigs of tarragon washed and drained

1 large tablespoon creme fraiche

500 g small courgettes (zucchini) firm and a shiny green

1/2 teaspoon of crushed peppercorns

salt to taste

Wash trim and slice the zuchinnis/courgettes. Fill a saucepan with 1 1/2 cups of water, add the bouillon/stock cube and bring to the boil. Add the sliced courgettes/zuchinnis. Cook for 15 minutes. Transfer to a blender, add the creme fraiche, peppercorns, and salt, and then blend. Pour into soup bowls and add the sprigs of tarragon as a garnish.

Tagliatelle with pancetta and sage


2 tablespoons butter

200 grams fresh tagliatelle pasta

1/2 bunch fresh sage washed and drained

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 slices pancetta ham

2 tablespoons ricotta cheese

60 grams of grated parmesan cheese

Saute the slices of pancetta and drain on paper towel. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a pan and add the sage leaves and saute for 1 minute. Drain. Cook the pasta according to the directions with 1 tablespoon of oil added to the water to keep the strands of pasta separate during cooking. Drain the pasta and add the butter and ricotta. Stir together. Heap the pasta on two plates and top each pile with the pancetta, sage leaves, grated Parmesan, salt and pepper. Serve immediately.

Chocolate Heart with Raspberries


150 grams fresh raspberries

100 grams bitter chocolate

1 teaspoon raspberry liqueur

3 eggs

100 grams unsalted butter

100 grams of granulated sugar

1 tablespoon plain flour

Icing sugar to decorate

Preheat oven to 150C or 300F

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Melt the chocolate in the top of a double boiler. Remove from the heat and whisk in the egg yolks,raspberry liqueur,sugar, butter and flour. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the chocolate mixture. Butter a heart-shaped or round cake tin. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 40 minutes. The cake should be slightly runny in the centre. If using a round cake tin then cut a piece of cardboard into a heart-shaped template approximately the same size as the cake. Remove the cake from the tin and place the heart shaped template on top and use a sharp knife to cut out a heart. Cool. Wash and drain the fresh raspberries. Just before serving, arrange the raspberries in an even way over the top of the cake. Sprinkle with icing sugar (use a tea strainer) and serve immediately.

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Valentine candles are a great addition to any Valentine's Day celebration. Not only are they romantic, but they can also really show the special person in your life just how much you care. In fact, many people, women in particular love candles for special occasions. Just think of all the positives they possess. Valentine candles are pretty. They can be bought in just about any color but can be easily found in holiday specific shades. Valentine candles are easy to find and they are available in many aromas that are pleasing to the senses. Finally, Valentine candles are often very personal. You can even make your own candle as a gift for the one you love.

Romantic candles are suited for any occasion where you and your significant other will be spending an evening together. Whether it is a dinner for two or an intimate night at home, romantic candles add to the atmosphere and in some cases, create the atmosphere. Even if you're not a big fan of candles, what would a candlelit dinner be without the candles? Romantic candles create the sensuous mood you desire and provide a soft and subtle lighting meant for those intimate occasions.

Scented romantic candles can also add the perfect touch to a special occasion like Valentine's Day, an anniversary or even a private birthday dinner. These candles are available in all sorts of scents, but you can specifically find them in appropriately romantic aromas such as spicy cinnamon, subtle lavender or even a musky fragrance meant to entice. One doesn't even have to be a candle connoisseur to enjoy the beauty that candles possess or appreciate their role in setting the mood. It all comes down to the selection of the appropriate scent for your event. An overpowering fragrance can be a turn off, but just the right subtle hint of your love's favorite fragrance can be the perfect touch for your special get together.

Romantic candles add to the atmosphere of your night for two. Regardless of your personal preference for candles, just think of how the love of your life will appreciate the soft glow of candlelight. Plus, what is more flattering than candlelight? It accentuates your best features and plays a major role in setting the mood for a night you'll never forget. Don't think about those "country garden" candles you see portrayed in those house and home magazines. Candles have gone beyond the traditional and progressed right into the modern, sophisticated and sexy.

This article is prepared by Christy Berger who writes for CandleDecorS A longer version of this article can be found at Candle Decor Store. Main resource of this article is Romantic Heart Pillar Valentine Day Candle.

What gift will you buy?

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Are you confused of the type of gift you would like to gift your friend for his birthday, engagement or wedding? Selecting a gift for someone can actually be a difficult task. Sometimes you might find a gift at one go but sometimes it may take hours before you could actually find one.

Gift something that can make the person a shopping spree. Take into consideration the persons like and dislikes before deciding over the gift. Gifts make everyone feel special. Hence it's important that you be selective in your choice. Don't just give away something as you couldn't find time to shop.

Gift Ideas

Receiving and buying gift for some one can be a great experience. Gifts are meant to be given whether it's a birthday, engagement, wedding party or any other special occasion. You need to find a descriptive gift that can be perfect for the occasion. For instance, if it's your friend's engagement party you need to gift the couple something useful for the home. You could gift them a champagne bottle or may be a candle gift basket. You could also gift the couple a wedding planner, wedding survival kit or even a wedding countdown clock.

Candle gift baskets are becoming quite popular. They are available in both scented as well as unscented forms. You can find candle gift baskets for different occasions mainly

• Christmas gift basket

• Wedding gift basket

• Candle gift basket

• Engagement gift basket

• Valentine gift basket

• Unique candle gift basket

Online gifts store

Today one can find enumerable shopping outlets online. All you have to do is perform a search of the type of gift you would like to gift for your friend. You need to calculate prices and compare with different sites to check which one is more suitable one for you.

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When Personalized Gifts Make a Difference

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

Finding the right gifts for a particular occasion is always a challenging task. Sometimes it is nice to make a gift for someone, this gives the gift an air of uniqueness and personality and shows the recipient that you took the time to create a truly special gift. This method can also backfire however as it is easy to get in over your head and not be able to complete the gift project on time or in the fashion you wanted to. In other words it is easy to mess up the creation of a gift and be left empty handed or worse yet with a gift you don't feel good about giving.

On the other hand, many people like to give and receive pre-made gifts for their convenience and so that they know they are getting something that will have at least some value to the recipient. This works especially well if you know just what the person wants as a gift. If you are not sure about what the person you are giving to wants then you have to make you best guess. In this case be sure to look at their tastes and not let your own preferences interfere with your decision. This is also a perfect opportunity to combine the best of both handmade gifts and manufactured gifts by using a professional gift company. These companies specialize in gifts that are both personalized and meaningful as well as professionally produced and of top quality.

Baby gifts are one of the most common types of gifts to give, where you need to find something cute and adorable yet practical. Luckily for you when it comes to babies play time is considered a practical use. This is a gifting area that will certainly benefit from the added value of a personalized gift. Adding the name of the special little one and/or an appropriate theme to the gift will make it significantly more special. Look for a company who will make a hand painted piece of children's furniture for you or create a themed baby gift basket.

Anniversary gifts are another common gift category that often keeps the giver guessing when it comes to knowing what the recipient or recipient couple would like to get. This is another place where professionally personalized gifts can be a great choice. Personalized anniversary gifts have the feeling of something special and they allow the gift giver to participate in the gift creation process. In the end you have an exceptional gift that both warms the heart and is easy and fast to get.

Finally, perhaps the most difficult and important of all gifts, Valentines Day gifts are almost always better when personalized. More than any other gifting occasion, Valentines Day requires a high level of gift intimacy. This doesn't mean it needs to be a risqué gift, only that the recipient expects that you have given the gift much thought. It will almost always significantly increase the emotional value of a gift if it is personalized to match the recipient. Additionally, the giver should be able to articulate why the gift was chosen, making the gift that much more special. And, if you can, you should send this message on the gift itself, making the personalized Valentines Day gift one to treasure.

In the end most gifts will benefit from the personalized touch a professional gift provider can create for you. These are just three common examples of how a personalized gift can meet the challenges of a specific gift-giving occasion. For only a nominal increase in cost you can achieve a significant increase in the meaning that the gift can convey.

Anne Harvester is a gift giver extraordinaire traveling the world looking for the best gifts for every occasion. This article was produced in conjunction with GiftBasketsP where you can findValentines Day Gifts, Gift Baskets, Unique Baby Gifts and more.

January is National Breakup Month

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

If it wasn't enough to have January being one of the coldest, if not dreariest, months of the year, they had to go and dub it the month more couples break up than any other month of the year.

Six out of ten couples will break up this month. Sounds awful, doesn't it?

I never cared much for January anyway. After-Christmas bills are piling in, it's too cold to enjoy most outdoor sports (or the ones I like anyway), and everything looks so bare and dreary. No wonder this is the month for the most breakups.

But, other than that, why is it that January beats out the others?

Here's my educated guess. Valentine's Day is right around the corner.

Something clicks in people's heads that if they plan on getting out, they better do it now before it's too late. When Valentine's Day hits, they surely want to be with someone they love, or they don't want to break their once-loved one's heart on the most romantic day of the year so they do it now.

Another reason why it might be that January brings forth more breakups than any other month could be that the new year signals new beginnings. It is a time when people step back and reflect on the previous year, and if there are changes to be made, this is the time to do it.

Unfortunate for some, these changes include a reevaluation of their love life.

If a relationship isn't working, and can't be fixed, a breakup is inevitable. The Dear John or Dear Janet letter goes out, and that's if they even bother to tell them at all. Believe me, from what I hear, some choose to just vanish from the scene of the crime without any warning, the dirty scumbags that they are.

So, what happens if you're the dumpee?

After you've mourned the loss of your relationship, turn the other cheek and try to learn what it is you were supposed to learn from the relationship. Every relationship is a learning lesson in humility, courage and stamina. Other lessons will be learned, but those are enough in itself.

If you keep in mind that every single person who comes into your life from here on out on a soul mate basis does so for a reason, it helps you to see why it is that people are there in the first place. Some are not meant to be long-term. In fact, some just come into your life to help you with a particular situation, and they are gone. More than likely, most of them left in January, according to statistics, but even though they are gone in the flesh, their spirit will linger forever.

The reason for this is that when two soul mates meet in the first place, it is one spirit calling to another. The one spirit recognizes the other spirit from a previous life perhaps, but whatever the case, there is instant recognition.

That recognition, that spiritual connection, will never go away even if the breakup ends on less than amicable terms.

This may or may not be what you want to hear, but from a professional stand-point, this is what happens.

So, if you happen to be one of the statistics this year, and you become the victim of a breakup, remember that there was a reason for the two of you to come together in the first place. Figure out what it was that you learned from it, and go on from there.

Breaking up is certainly hard to do because nothing hurts worse than the pain of the heart.

Even though it seems a callous thing on the part of your boyfriend/girlfriend, think of it as a favor. To extend a bad relationship would be detrimental to your well-being. Things would only escalate, and who knows what might happen.

There is a distinct plan for you, and this certain person was only meant to come into your life to teach you something, or you teach him, so find ways to look on this as a learning experience. You'll come out ahead in the long run and it will only empower you for the next relationship.

And just think of how nice the next one will be because you have learned a valuable lesson that will give you more strength and power than you had before.

With each relationship, you grow stronger and more confident in what does and does not make you happy. Before long, you will find the one who is supposed to be with you on a long term basis.

Meanwhile, pick up the pieces, learn what it is you are supposed to learn from this relationship, and move on into a better life and a better world of pure, soul mate love.

© Dorothy Thompson

Relationship expert Dorothy Thompson is the editor/contributing author of ROMANCING THE SOUL and coaches those seeking answers to their soul mate questions. You can visit her website at or her blog at

Cupid Quotient

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 PM | 0 comments »

Love and romance, mankind has paired into couples ever since Adam and Eve, but what makes some relationships sizzle and others fizzle? Some say it may well be the romantic nature of the individuals who make up the couple. However, whether you are single, searching or happily married, it is human nature to seek romance and love.

So why don't you take my quiz and test your Cupid Quotient?!?

1. In what country would a man send a woman a Valentine letter containing a rhyme and signed with a series of dots to represent his name? According to this country's tradition, if the woman guessed his identity correctly on Valentine's Day he would reward her with a gift.

A. Denmark

B. Italy

C. England

D. America

A. Denmark

QQ. In Denmark, a man would send a woman a Valentine letter containing a rhyme and signed with a series of dots to represent his name. If the woman guessed his identity correctly on Valentine's Day he would reward her with a gift.

2. In what country would young ladies awaken before sunrise and look out their window? According to tradition, the first man they saw would be either the man they would marry or someone who looked like their future husband.

A. Denmark

B. Italy

C. England

D. America

B. Italy

QQ. In Italy, young ladies would awaken before sunrise and look out their window. Tradition said the first man they saw would be either the man they would marry or look like their future husband.

3. In what country would a suitor leave a basket of gifts on his beloved's doorstep and run off?

A. Denmark

B. Italy

C. England

D. America

C. England

QQ. In England, a suitor would leave a basket of gifts on his beloved's doorstep and run off.

4. In what country would young ladies write their names on slips of paper and at Valentine's Day party young men would draw names.

According to this country's tradition, the young man would then wear the name of his lady on his sleeve for days to claim her as his valentine, originating the saying "wearing your heart on your sleeve."

A. Denmark

B. Italy

C. England

D. America

D. America

QQ. In America, young ladies would write their names on slips of paper and at a Valentine's Day party young men would draw names. A young man would wear the name of his lady on his sleeve for days to claim her as his valentine, originating the saying "wearing your heart on your sleeve."

5. The tradition of pairing lovers in February comes from:

A. A pagan festival called Lupercalia when young men and women drew names to choose partners, exchanged gifts and often married after the festival pairing.

B. Geoffrey Chaucer who chose the date because the 14th of February was the day birds began to pair for the spring nesting season.

C. Pope Gelasius chose Feb. 14th as the day to honor St. Valentine.

D. The Romans once honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature, during a festival on Feb. 15.

E. They are all true

E. They are all true

QQ: Interesting how many reasons there are to become a couple on a specific date!

6. Valentine's Day-celebrated Feb. 14-is a festival of love and romance. Its history can be traced back to which civilization?

A. Rome

B. Greece

C. Celts

D. None of the above, it was created by the greedy card, chocolate and flower companies.

A. Rome

QQ: While admittedly the holiday has become excessively commercialized, it is not a manufactured holiday but one with a long tradition extending back to Rome

7. Why was Cupid chosen as the symbol of Valentine's Day and lovers?

A. He was the Roman god of love.

B. A celebrated marksman from Greece, he won the hand of his beloved through an archery match.

C. According to Celtic tradition, Cupid was an unfortunate suitor killed by the arrow of an outraged father who refused to let his daughter wed for love.

D. There is no reason other than the fact greedy card, chocolate and flower moguls thought that was the cutest design created by their marketing staff.

E. All are correct

A. He was the Roman god of love.

QQ: Sometimes we get a little silly

8. The original Valentine, who was sainted after his death, was:

A. A Christian priest who lived in Rome and was jailed and later beheaded for aiding persecuted Christians in 270 AD

B. Was killed on the site of ancient altar to Juno (the Roman goddess of women and marriage).

C. A bishop of Terni who was persecuted for converted Romans to Christianity and performing Christian marriages.

D. Was actually two different Christian martyrs.

E. All are correct

E. All are correct

QQ: You couldn't miss!

9. Deep red carnations tell your loved one that...

A. Your heart is broken.

B. Celibacy

C. Friendship

D. True Love

A. Your heart is broken.

QQ: Your heart is broken because they mean "alas, my poor heart".

10. Roses are among the most popular flowers for lovers to give, but what does the gift mean?

A. Hopeless love

B. Be mine

C. Love

D. Farewell

C. Love

QQ: That one was easy, wasn't it?

11. However, the combination of white and red roses sends what message?

A. Unity

B. Declaration of love

C. Farewell

D. Distrust

A. Unity

QQ: You could get bonus points for that!

12. If you hope to propose, what flowers should make up the bouquet you present to your intended?

A. Ivy

B. Blue violets

C. Globe amaranth

D. Rose

E. Any and All

E. Any and All

QQ: I think combining all these flowers would make a beautiful gesture as: Ivy means fidelity and marriage, Blue violets mean faithfulness, Globe amaranth means unfading love, and Roses mean love

You can find more trivia fun at The QuizQueen and Trivia Tidbit.

Submitted with Article Distributor.

Cheap Hotels Within Ramsgate Kent

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

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This picturesque county in the South East corner of England has a unique blend of lush countryside, maritime coast and extraordinary heritage that will capture your heart and imagination every time you visit. From mysterious marshlands and breathtaking countryside to the dramatic white cliffs of Dover, from medieval towns, historic castles and towering cathedrals to bustling seaside resorts, a lively café society and contemporary arts scene, Kent has something for everyone.

So what can you do to celebrate this Valentine's Day? With the right intention, a few simple ingredients and a little effort, you will be richly rewarded as you express your true devotion to the one you love. I have been working with Aromatherapy Essential Oils for many years, so I'm very familiar with creating the right romantic setting that will make that magical space in your own home a rewarding experience.

To get the right ambiance, start by lighting some candles in your favourite room and play some relaxing music that you both like. The setting is not complete without the subtle effect of aroma. The sense of smell is one of the subtlest and oldest ways of communicating that we possess, the mechanism of which still remains a mystery today. Creating the desired mood with essential oils has been around for centuries. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians made aromatherapy a way of life with the use of perfumed oils, scented barks and resins being recorded as far back as 4500BC. Perfumes were used by lovers to heighten the forces of attraction that existed between them. According to history, Cleopatra wooed Antony by ordering that her bedroom be carpeted an inch deep in rose petals. Imagine that!!

Now to create your romantic ritual…. Place either a single essential oil or blend in your aromatherapy burner with a tea light beneath. (I prefer to use an essential oil burner with a deep bowl so that it takes longer to diffuse without overheating and drying out).

For a 'sensual interlude' add 1 drop of orange, 2 drops ylang ylang and 3 drops frankincense to your burner. Around 5 to 6 drops is enough. Orange is a joyful and playful scent that blends well with the sweet, heady fragrance of ylang ylang. With the added connection that frankincense gives to heighten your senses you will be well on your way to enjoying a sensually euphoric evening!!

For the true romantic, rose helps us feel more deeply. It is a gentle aphrodisiac with a spiritual quality that you may use on its own or in a blend. Or if you're feeling a little more bold try Jasmine, a wonderful oil that brings with it the rare qualities of strength and softness, yin and yang , making it a powerful aphrodisiac!

So this Valentine's Day open your heart to love and romance by embracing the gentle art of Aromatherapy and add some essential oils into your life!

Angela Power has a background spanning 25 years as a health professional profiling a career in medical nursing for over 15 years and as a Natural Therapist since 1988. She is renowned for her ability to provide knowledge through her real life experiences & her website, Aromatherapy and Essential Oils at the Garden Apothecary provides information on the benefits of aromatherapy and the therapeutic use of essential oils.

Candle Gift Basket – Express your feelings

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 AM | 0 comments »

One of the best ways to express your love for your beloved ones is by giving gifts. Different gifts signify different things to different people. One of the best things to gift someone is by giving the person a candle gift basket. You can gift a candle gift basket to communicate different feelings. You can use it as a Valentine candle gift basket, unique candle Gift basket, Yankee candle gift basket or may be a wedding candle gift basket.

Candle Gift Basket creates relaxed atmosphere. Candle Gift Basket comes is available in both scented and non-scented categories. This Gift Basket not only contains candles but also non-candles gifts. Candle Gift Basket is one of the best gifts to create ever-lasting memories. One of the best features of this gift basket is that it is cheaper and can be afforded by all.

Candle when burns bring out a feeling of peace and harmony. Therefore it is necessary that you spread the message of peace and harmony among your dear ones. Gifts like Candle Gift Basket are always a perfect and unique choice. These Candle Gift Baskets are beautifully wrapped and contains a message that you want to convey to a person. These gift baskets are available in different shapes and designed in such a way that they leave a long lasting impression. The candles in the gift basket are made up of pure wax, which is absolutely eco – friendly. This candle burns for a longer period of time as compared to the ordinary candles.

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Gift ideas for your nearest and dearest one

Posted by Prue Morland | 3:05 PM | 0 comments »

Gifts are a medium to express love and emotion towards another person. It is usually presented to people who are very close. Presenting gifts has now become a very common affair, whereas initially it was just restricted to occasions like, marriages, birthdays, Christmas, New Year etc. Today with the growth of society and with growing relationships, the frequency of presenting gifts to near and dear ones has multiplied several times.

A lot of things need to be considered while gifting somebody. Topping the list is the relationship you share with the person. Secondly, the occasion needs to be taken care of and finally, fixing of your budget is necessary.

Gifts are exchanged on various occasions, a unique gift presented with love, does not only makes the recipient happy but it also helps in the strengthening of bond.

Various occasions can be listed when gifts are shared. Lets check on a few interesting ideas of gifts on various such occasions.

Marriage Gifts:

Marriage is a very special occasion in a person's life, and to make this day a memorable one, unique and special gifts are presented to the newly wed couple by their near and dear ones. Depending on your relationship and of course your budget, you can choose from a special honeymoon package to a remote island, to gold and diamond jewellery to present to the couple. If a honeymoon package does not suit your budget you can also arrange for a cozy dinner for the twosome in a good restaurant, which they can enjoy and make it memorable. Presenting them with a surprise gift while they are dining will be an added treat. Presenting household items to the newly wed is also a good and useful idea, if they are moving into a new home after marriage.

New Baby Gifts:

To welcome the new life in your relative or friend's house, gift them with baby stuffs, like baby toys, dresses (make sure they are little large in size, as babies grow fast), baby toilette sets etc. If your budget permits you can also present them with a small nursery setup in their home, for the new baby.

Birthday Gifts:

Birthdays are unanimous occasion to present gifts to someone. Not much needs to be thought while choosing a birthday gift for someone. You just need to pick up things that will suit the person's personality or if you are aware of something he/ she has been looking forward to buy. Surprising the birthday boy/ girl with flowers and cakes is a tried, and tested idea, which always clicks.

New Year and Christmas Gifts:

This is probably the oldest occasion in history when family members exchange gifts. There is no specification as to what you should gift. The idea of exchanging gifts on New Year and Christmas is to wish them a happy and successful year ahead. It is a great idea to present things your friends and relatives have been wishing to have. This shall make them happy. What else could beat a happy New Year start?

Gifts for Him/ Her:

To gift that special person in your life is the toughest job indeed. You always want your present to be the best for your partner. If the choice is getting too difficult, it is safe to settle for generic options. In case you are looking to gift her, pick up a good jewelllery piece, which is a hit amongst women. You could also chose from cosmetics, stuffed toys, dresses or a good ladies perfume, which she will surely like. While choosing a present for him, the best options include the eternal, perfumes, shirts, office stationeries like organizers or a good branded pen. If your partner is a music freak you could also gift them with the latest release of their favorite musician.

The custom of exchanging gift is a sweet gesture to develop relationships and to show how much you care. Gifts are a great medium to express those thoughts, which you could not phrase in words.

Send online gifts to friends and dearest one from B and stay-in-touch.

Generally speaking I am blessed to receive emails on a daily basis from readers and listeners expressing dramatic life change. I love to hear from people who are refusing to settle and therefore deserving what they want more and more every day. I truly live for messages like those these days. It inspires me to know that Emily and I are making a difference.

Sometimes, however, I receive other messages that inspire me in a completely different way. A few days ago, I received just such an email. A woman was unsubcribing from this newsletter, citing that she was "just an average Plain Jane", and that she could never live up the ideals talked about here and in the book Deserve What You Want. What intrigued me the most was that she was not so much discouraged from the hard work of deserving what SHE wanted as irritated that I would encourage men to never "settle" for any less than who THEY deserved.

When it came right down to it, she felt that even her most valiant efforts to deserve what she wants were going to fall short. Ultimately, her feeling was that no man from the "highest echelon of men on Earth" was ever going to want her, no matter what. And having been around the block a few times, I know for a fact that plenty of men feel the same way about attracting a great woman.

So then, this email got my attention because the challenge presented to me in it was a valid one. How dare I tell "average" people that they should expect to earn the right to "never settle"? Come on now, seriously…what kind of Pollyanna advice is THAT?

How does an AVERAGE person deserve a SUPERIOR partner?

Fortunately, I'm up to the challenge. And because I know you want practical answers from me instead of philosophical musings, here is the bulletized list you've come to expect:

1) Kill The Word "Average"

…And resort to Weapons Of Mass Destruction if that's what it takes to accomplish this in your life. Anyone who considers him or herself "average" (let alone "below average") is acknowledging defeat before even attempting to deserve. Unfortunately, most of the six billion of us on this planet are shockingly willing to accept mediocrity. After all, it's effortless. Therefore, we all run the risk of being charmed into living that lie.

Yes, I said "lie". We allow ourselves to sleep our way through life, and in doing so we never even sniff reaching our potential. Knowing that the MAJORITY of people passively watch life from the sidelines, ACTIVELY doing something to promote excellence in your own reality pulls you by the collar out of the realm of the "average" BY DEFINITION. Do you see how that works?

Years ago a great speaker named Bruce Thielemann borrowed a phrase originally coined by pro surfer Phil Edwards to refer to the apathetic masses, referring to them as "legions of the unjazzed". His point was that most humans let the most powerful and meaningful aspects of what life has to offer slip quietly away having "pampered themselves into mediocrity". What powerful language to let nest in your soul.

Unhitch yourself from the "unjazzed" crowd today, and begin deserving better immediately.

2) Your Presumptions Of Inadequacy May Point To Arrogance

You look in the mirror and see "average". Realize, right here and right now that your opinion has zero to do with mine or anyone else's on the subject. Just because you are not your own "type" does not mean you are free to arrogantly presume your world view upon anyone else, let alone EVERYONE else.

3) Don't Drink The Media's Purple Kool-Aid

Cult leader Jim Jones infamously is associated with poisonous purple Kool-Aid. Sometimes I can't help but think that the media is serving us a steady diet of a similar potion when it comes to having us believe what "not settling" means, exactly. I have dated women whom I thought were fantastically beautiful who were disgusted by their own appearance. They were not "supermodels", so they were therefore displeased. The irony here is that guys who share my personal preferences aren't attracted to "supermodels" anyway. We're attracted to women who are more like many of these women who wish they were supermodels. That is to say, we are attracted at least until they express how displeased they are with themselves. NEVER discount the power of your own confidence, or lack thereof. Which drives the next point home…

4) Live Up To Your Own Design Specs

I was going to go with "Do The Best With What You've Got" here, but that concept falls way short of the meaning behind the heading I chose. Why? Simply put, there is NOTHING more amazing than to meet someone who has clearly maximized who he or she is. So many people are not doing this. Over the next few days, pay attention to the people around you. In your mind, give thought to who just isn't at their best. Meanwhile, open your eyes to who seems exceptional to you and how their own personal effort has likely affected that.

One time I met a woman who habitually mesmerized nearly all men who met her. Sure, she was fashionable, clean and well-groomed. But her sense of humor, confident presence and feminine charm set her apart as truly mind-blowing. Note that ALL OF THIS WAS UNDER HER FULL CONTROL. As I got to know her, she shared how she grew up in poverty and was told she was "ugly" throughout her childhood. Yet now she was a successful businesswoman who had her pick of the sharpest men around. Finally it occurred to me that if she had been anywhere close to as apathetic as the "legions of the unjazzed" I probably would never have even noticed her. Nor would have the majority of other men, I'm guessing. She was not superlative by accident. "Accidentally", as it were, she would have been "average". But she wasn't.

5) Know Thyself

Hey wait a minute, who are these people you are thinking would "never want you" anyway? Are these people you even truly WANT to deserve? The more you date effectively, the more you are going to realize how valid the concept of "perfect imperfection" is. I've written about this general concept elsewhere, of course, but the correlation to today's point is absolutely crucial. We as human beings are typically attracted to people we can relate to. If you are living by the tenets presented above, I can quite nearly GUARANTEE you will be wildly attracted to the self-actualized opposite sex version of yourself. Why would you not be? Give this concept a test drive. If you have learned to deserve what you want, you will soon be graced with the knowledge of who it is you actually DO want. And wait until you figure out you DO deserve that person. That's the best news there is.

Remember the "highest echelon on Earth" is subject to YOUR definition. Have a clear understanding of that, and your efforts to deserve what you want will be focused and therefore highly effective. And those efforts will produce magical results. Guaranteed.

Scot McKay's dating strategies for those who refuse to settle for anything less than the ULTIMATE relationship are found at: Stop by right now and grab a FREE e-book ($20 value) when you sign up for the X & Y Communications Newsletter, which is always packed with unique and practical dating tips.

One of the best parts about Valentine's Day is all of the decorations that you can line the house with. There are many ways in which you can decorate for this holiday. Of course, the colors of the day include reds, pinks, white and other similar tones. You can even make a wide selection of these from the kid's construction box. Here are some ideas to help get you started.

The Bulletin Board

Need to decorate a bulletin board? Fill it with flowers and hearts in the color scheme mentioned. Make sure to put a fun border around it and possibly put hearts of all shapes and sizes throughout it. Include some pictures of family members of the students in a class for a great look. You can also ad a fun saying or slogan to it. Make it something quirky like "Be My Valentine" or make it religious such as "God Is Love." In the background do something unique. For the backing, go with a tablecloth in the color scheme, a pink piece of paper or otherwise interesting forms.


A great way to make a room or home look beautiful for the holiday is through the use of candles. Often, you may have some extra from Christmas to use. Get candle holders or use rings of silk flowers and greenery. Look for the right scent for the candles too if you would like. Make sure they are pink, white or red.

Get Christmas Out

Did you just put away everything for Christmas? Think about using such things as pearl garlands, beautifully placed on a tabletop or the candle and floral displays too. In the center of the tablecloths, add a gathering of pillar candles, surround them with lace trim, pearls and rose petals. Perhaps you can even decorate them with glitter or other sparking elements. Use a red and pink potpourri to make the smell of the home wonderful.


There are a number of foods that you can make to celebrate the day too. Heart shaped cookies can be frosted in pinks and reds and then use other colors for sprinkles on them. Place on a heart shaped tray. Chocolate is a very appropriate option and can be purchased or made in heart shapes. Use crystal dishes or plain white china for your treats. For the kids, get out paper cups filled with candy hearts, mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. For the grown ups, you can think about chocolate mousse and whipped cream.

All of these things can make an ordinary Valentine's Day much more enjoyable. You'll find wonderful ways to decorate for this holiday just by looking around your home. If you want, make some homemade decorations with the kids and enjoy the time together too.

Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in making Valentines Day decorations with her children. Visit her site for more great Valentines advice to make Valentines 2006 a special one.

Flowers and Chocolates for Your Guy

Posted by Prue Morland | 2:05 PM | 0 comments »

Valentine's Day is when most guys get their ladies special gifts like flowers and chocolates, but what about the reverse? Should you consider giving these traditionally romantic gifts to your man? Will he actually like them?

The truth is that it really depends on the guy, but in most cases, if you choose more masculine versions of these gifts, you will find that they are very well received. Men enjoy romance as much as women, but often are overlooked when it comes to Valentine's Day. However, if you feel that your sweetheart won't be completely open to receiving flowers as a gift, you can man it up a bit to make the whole thing romantic, but masculine.

A good way to turn a practical gift into a more Valentine's Day type gift is to wrap it in

Tidys Flowers is the virtual florist that specializes in local and International Flower Delivery.

What can be more romantic than sending a handwritten love letter to your loved one, full of romantic words and genuine feelings you have for him/her? Love letters are one of the best ways to show your special loved ones how you feel for them and how much you love them.

A heartfelt love letter also makes the perfect gift for Valentine's Day, but you don't have to just limit yourself to that specific day. Every day is a great opportunity to make your loved one happy by sharing your deepest feelings with him/her.

The great thing about love letters is that you don't have to be a poet or a skilled "writer" to be able to write them. Everyone - and I really mean "everyone" - can do it.

Because they are just about putting your romantic feelings into words genuinely - even in very simple words. This openness is what makes love letters special.

To write a more romantic and heart warming letter, here are some questions that will give you good ideas to write about:

Idea #1:

What was the first time you felt you were in love with him/her? Did anything special happen that made you realize your love?

You can describe in clear details how it happened and how you felt and it will mean the world to your loved one. I promise. :-)

Idea #2:

What is the #1 thing he/she has that makes you feel so much in love with him/her whenever you think about it? It could be about looks or about personality.

For example you may say "the way her face shines when she smiles", or "the way his eyes always bring peace and love to me when I look into them."

Idea #3:

What positive changes have you made since he/she has entered your life? What valuable lessons have you learned from him/her?

For example it could be that before you met him/her, you were pretty shy and didn't fully believe in yourself and your unique abilities, but he/she helped you love yourself more and be proud of who you are.

When your loved one reads this, she will practically feel on clouds because he/she sees what a big difference he/she had made in your life.

Idea #4:

It's also a good idea to include a heartfelt romantic love poem at the end or the beginning of your letter. Sometimes nothing can show how we feel better and deeper than a good poem.

Idea #5:

And as the last tip: Don't forget to say "I Love You" at the end of your letter. This simple yet effective sentence will really seal the deal in your loved one's mind.

Wish you a wonderful life full of love,

Ladan Lashkari

About the Author:

Ladan Lashkari is giving away a FREE collection of beautiful

romantic love poems

that are perfect for including in your love letters. To grab your copy of these

poems, drop by

while they are still available.